Saturday, February 12, 2011

Update on Legacy FamilyTree Internet Sync

Update on LegacyFamilytree Software and FamilySearch Interface

Kathryn Brannigan Walizer

A few issues ago I reported on the changes in the works over at Legacyfamilytree Software, well 7.5 has now been released and this means the Internet Sync is there for all to use. How does this work you ask, well I tried it with amazing results.

First you open up your Legacy family program, you select a person you want Legacy to search the internet for information on, then you blue out that person, go up to the top task bar and click on Internet. Scroll down to search the internet, Click on that link. Up pops a new screen that includes radio buttons for, RootsWeb,, (Historical Records), World Vital Records (Exact),,, and AltaVista.
Then you click on the radio button for say, the software will then search the Ancestry data base for all the information it may have on your designated person. you will not be able to actually go into Ancestry if you are not a member but you will see the summery of what they found.
Coming back to the original screen click on another radio button say, Rootsweb then the process will be repeated, and Legacy will search Rootsweb for information they have on your person. There are times you may have to tweak the search terms, I know did on the search. But all in all a wonderful tool and what a timesaver to have Legacy do the searching for you.

Well you are saying this must be in the deluxe version, No, you can do all of this searching in the FREE version. So if you do have another and love another family tree program," I know there are some of you out there". You can download the free version make a gedcom of you information import it to the free version and "Viola" you have at your beckon call an internet search. Try it you might like it !!! No one says you just have to have one family tree program.

Going back to the top task bar, click on Internet again and click on Legacy home page, here you will find a mired of new information, You will find all the information on how to use the 7.5 to the utmost and if you do not have the program there is a link to download the Free version

Look for "FamilySearch Certified" section and below that there is a link that say click here to learn more.

On the right side there is of a list of seminar video's free for the taking and viewing I especially loved the last two, data cleanup and an overview to working with Legacy's FamilySearch tools - linking, duplicates, sharing. The time for each seminar is stated at the bottom of each video so pick a time you can devote to these seminars have a notebook handy and enjoy!!

These seminars will give you a peek into what the FamilySearch is preparing to release to the public. I hope sooner than later. Geoff the presenter of the seminars says plans are in the works for later this year. Lets all hope that is true.

What will that include?, Well you will then be able to access the millions of records now being transcribed and being place on the "" website. This is only available to LDS members at this time. The release of this information will no doubt change how we uses the internet for genealogy. So watching these video's will give you an advance look at what's to come. I guarantee you will not regret the time you spend watching these videos. and you will find many tips on what you can do right now to improve you family tree .so it will be ready for the FamilySearch Interface when it is released. My advice is to scour the Legacyfamiytree home page and look at all the links, each one will give you invaluable information and put you way ahead of the curve.

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